3.29. menu

Element typemenu
Attributesaccept (2.0) | dtmf | id | scope
ChildrenPCDATA | audio | catch | choice | enumerate | error | help | noinput | nomatch | prompt | property | value
DescriptionA menu is simple dialog where fixed choices are presented to the user and based on the user's response a transition to another dialog or VoiceXML document takes place.


<!ELEMENT menu 
  (%audio; | choice | %event.handler; | prompt | property)* >
<!ATTLIST menu 
  id             ID        #IMPLIED 
  scope          %scope;   'dialog'
  dtmf           %boolean; 'false' >

Language model


accept : (exact | approximate)

New to VoiceXML 2.0, this attribute can be set ...

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