3.40. prompt
Element type | prompt |
Attributes | bargein | bargeintype (2.0) | cond | count | timeout | xml:lang (2.0) |
Parents | block | catch | error | field | filled | help | if | initial | menu | noinput | nomatch | object | record | subdialog | transfer |
Children | PCDATA | audio | break | emphasis | enumerate | mark | paragraph | phoneme | prosody | say-as | sentence | value | voice |
Description | Instructs the interpreter to render its contents as audio to the caller. |
<!ELEMENT prompt (%audio; | %tts;)* > <!ATTLIST prompt bargein %boolean; #IMPLIED bargeintype %bargeintype; #IMPLIED cond %expression; #IMPLIED count %integer; #IMPLIED xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED timeout %duration; #IMPLIED >
Language model
bargein : boolean
Controls whether the ...
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