

Abs, Hermann Josef 128

Adenauer, Konrad 154

Adorf, Mario 98

Alexander der Große 157

Altmaier, Peter 91

Ammann, Helmut 165

Aristoteles 112

Assange, Julian 77

Asserate, Asfa-Wossen 161

Augstein, Jakob 153

Aurel, Marc 117


Bacon, Francis 153

Bahr, Daniel 63

Bargeld, Blixa 103, 105, 106, 107

Barlach, Hans 58

Barroso, José Manuel 83

Baudrillard, Jean 144

Becker, Boris 4

Benjamin, Walter 106, 107

Berkéwicz, Ulla 58

Blome, Nikolas 153

Böhnhardt, Uwe 110

Bolz, Norbert 103, 106, 107

Bonaparte, Jérome 116

Bonaparte, Napoleon 1, 113, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 126, 154, 156, 157

Bosbach, Wolfgang 37

Breivik, Anders 110, 123

Buffett, Warren 145

Burkard, Gedeon 98

Busch, Wilhelm 121

Bush, George W. 115


Carnegie, Dale 143

Cäsar, Julius ...

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