Mobile sending application

Perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to File | New| Multi-Device Application.
  2. Now the wizard will ask you what type of multi-device application you want to create. Select Header/Footer application and click Ok.
  3. Select the folder where you want to save it (I recommend you save it in the same path of the server but in different folders).
  4. Click Select Folder.
  5. Rename your project in SendSMS. The form unit in MainFormU and the form class variables are TSMSSendingForm and SMSSendingForm, respectively.
  6. Now, it is time to create a service to perform queries to the server APIs. Create a new unit, name it SMS.RESTAPIs.ServiceU.pas, and save it into the Services folder.
  7. Fill SMS.RESTAPIs.ServiceU.pas with the following code: ...

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