Perform the following steps:
- Create a new VCL Forms Application.
- Drop four TButton and a TMemo on the form. Organize the TButton in a single row as a sort of toolbar and align the TMemo to cover the remaining part of the form.
- Name the TButton components as follows:
- btnObjToJSON
- btnJSONtoObject
- btnListToJSONArray
- btnJSONArrayToList
- Add a new unit to the project, name it JSON.Serializer.pas, and fill it in with the following code:
unit JSON.Serialization;interfaceuses REST.JSON, System.Generics.Collections, Data.DBXJSON, System.JSON;type TJSONUtils = class(TJSON) public class function ObjectsToJSONArray<T: class, constructor> (AList: TObjectList<T>): TJSONArray; class function JSONArrayToObjects<T: class, constructor ...