
ModuleUnloadList Variable


var ModuleUnloadList: PModuleUnloadRec;


The ModuleUnloadList variable points to the head of a singly linked list of TModuleUnloadRec records. Each record keeps track of a procedure that is called when a module (application, library, or package) is unloaded.

Tips and Tricks

  • Add new procedures to the start of the list by calling AddModuleUnloadProc. Remove procedures from the list by calling RemoveModuleUnloadProc. Delphi automatically walks the list and calls every procedure when you unload a package, free a library, or when the application exits.

  • Most programs never need to examine ModuleUnloadList.

See Also

AddModuleUnloadProc Procedure, PModuleUnloadRec Type, RemoveModuleUnloadProc Procedure, TModuleUnloadRec Type, UnregisterModule Procedure

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