
Compiler, dcc32.exe


dcc32 [-Aunit=alias] [-B] [-CC] [-CG] [-Dsyms] [-Edirectory]
  [-Faddress] [-GD] [-GP] [-GS] [-H] [-Ipaths] [-J] [-JP] [-Kaddr]
  [-LEdirectory] [-LNdirectory]
  [-LUpackage] [-M] [-Ndirectory] [-Opaths] [-P] [-Q] [-Rpaths] [-TXext]
  [-Upaths] [-V] [-VN] [-VR] [-W] [-Z] [-$A+|-] [-$B+|-] [-$C+|-]
  [-$D+|-] [-$G+|-] [-$H+|-] [-$I+|-] [-$J+|-] [-$L+|-]
  [-$M+|-|minStackSize[,maxStackSize]] [-$O+|-] [-$P+|-]
  [-$Q+|-] [-$R+|-] [-$T+|-] [-$U+|-] [-$V+|-] [-$W+|-]
  [-$X+|-] [-$Y+|-YD] [-$Z+|-|1|2|4] file... [options...]


dcc32.exe is Delphi’s command-line compiler. It uses the same compiler as the IDE, but you run the program from a command prompt. To control the compiler, you must supply options on the command line or in a configuration (.cfg ) file. The IDE automatically creates a configuration file for every project, so it is easy to compile a project or unit from the command line using the same options you use in the IDE.

You can mix options and filenames in any order on the command line. The compiler reads all the options before it starts to compile any of the files. The filenames can be any program, library, unit, or package source files. Unlike the IDE, with the command-line compiler, you can compile a single unit (.pas) source file. If a filename is that of a project, library, or package, the compiler also links the necessary units into the final .exe, .dll, or .bpl file. If you omit the extension from a source filename, Delphi tries .pas, then ...

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