© The Author(s) 2020
S. Cheruvu et al.Demystifying Internet of Things Securityhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-2896-8_2

2. IoT Frameworks and Complexity

Sunil Cheruvu1 , Anil Kumar1, Ned Smith2 and David M. Wheeler3
Chandler, AZ, USA
Beaverton, OR, USA
Gilbert, AZ, USA

The complexity of things – the things within things – just seems to be endless. I mean nothing is easy, nothing is simple.

—Alice Munro1


In Chapter 1 we explored device cost dynamics when security is built-in from the beginning. Either the cost of the device increases or the ratio of device resources attributed to non-security-related functionality decreases. However, ignoring security results in the IoT device becoming the “weak link.” This chapter surveys IoT ...

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