Chapter 3. Installation and configuration 125
3.4.2 Prerequisite installation
Before you implement your Tivoli Data Warehouse, we need the following
components installed:
򐂰 The hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
(Optional) One or more remote monitoring servers.
򐂰 The Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, including the prerequisite RDBMS for the
portal server database (DB2 or Microsoft SQL Server).
򐂰 An IBM DB2 server on the computer where you will create the Tivoli Data
Warehouse database. (The Tivoli Data Warehouse database can be shared
in a multi-hub installation or dedicated to a single hub).
(Optional) A portal desktop client.
(Optional) Monitoring agents, and the application support for the monitoring
3.4.3 Create the Tivoli Data Warehouse database
This section provides guidelines for creating the Tivoli Data Warehouse database
on DB2. For specific instructions on how to create a DB2 database, refer to the
DB2 documentation or have a database administrator create the database for
Before you create the database, you need to estimate the size for the warehouse
database. IBM Tivoli Monitoring Version 6.2.0 Installation and Setup Guide,
GC32-9407 contains information about how to calculate the disk space needed.
Note: There are four important customizations that can affect the database
򐂰 Attribute groups to be selected for data collection
򐂰 How long the data will be kept (pruning settings)
򐂰 Number of agents
򐂰 Number of instances that an attribute group can have.
For detailed information about calculating the database size and also tips on
how to optimize Tivoli Data Warehouse performance, refer to Chapter 4,
“Planning historical data collection in large scale environments”, in IBM Tivoli
Monitoring: Implementation and Performance Optimization for Large Scale
Environments, SG24-7443.
126 Deployment Guide Series: IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.2
Figure 3-27 shows our test environment Tivoli Data Warehouse solution using
DB2. We installed Tivoli Data Warehouse on the same server as the portal
server. For large scale production environments, you should install these on
separate systems.
Figure 3-27 Tivoli Data Warehouse DB2 solution
Creating the warehouse database on DB2
Follow these guidelines to create a warehouse database using DB2:
򐂰 Create the database with UTF-8 encoding.
򐂰 Create a name for the warehouse database, and an operating system (OS)
user account (user name and password) that the warehousing components
(portal server, Warehouse Proxy agent, and Summarization and Pruning
agent) can use to access the data warehouse. In these instructions, this user
account is referred to as the warehouse user.
򐂰 Consider using the default values shown in Table 3-10 on page 127 for the
warehouse name and warehouse user. The default values are used in the
Chapter 3. Installation and configuration 127
configuration procedures for connecting the warehousing components to the
warehouse database.
Table 3-10 Default values for Tivoli Data Warehouse parameters
򐂰 Give the warehouse user administrative authority to the database initially.
After that, you can optionally limit the authority of the warehouse user to just
the privileges required for interacting with the data warehouse. See the
following sections for information about creating and limiting the authority of
the warehouse user.
“Creating a warehouse user on Windows” on page 127
“Creating a warehouse user on Linux or UNIX” on page 128
“Limiting the authority of the warehouse user” on page 128
򐂰 For a Tivoli Data Warehouse on Linux or AIX, ensure that the DB2 server is
configured for TCP/IP communications, as described in “Activating the DB2
listeners on a UNIX DB2 server” on page 129.
Creating a warehouse user on Windows
Complete the following steps on the computer where the warehouse database is
installed to create a Windows OS user with Administrator authority:
1. Right-click the My Computers icon on the Windows desktop and click
2. In the navigation pane of the Computer Management window, expand Local
Users and Groups by clicking on the plus sign (+).
3. Right-click the Users folder and click New User.
4. Type a user name and password in the User Name and Password fields.
Confirm the password by typing it again in the Confirm password field.
5. Clear User must change password at next logon.
6. Click Close.
7. Click the Groups folder.
8. Double-click Administrators in the right pane of the window.
9. Click Add in the Administrator Properties window.
Parameter Default value
Tivoli Data Warehouse database name WAREHOUS
User name itmuser
User password itmpswd1

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