Chapter 6. Agent Builder 353
6.4 Installing the Agent Builder
The Agent Builder can be installed on the following platforms:
򐂰 Windows 2003 Server SE (32-bit) with Service Pack 1
򐂰 Windows 2003 Server EE (32-bit) with Service Pack 1
򐂰 Windows 2003 Data Center
򐂰 Windows XP Professional
򐂰 Windows 2000 Server
򐂰 Windows 2000 Advanced Server
򐂰 Red Hat Enterprise Linux V4.0 + U2
򐂰 Red Hat Desktop Linux V4.0 + U2
򐂰 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server V9 Sp1
򐂰 AIX 5L V5.2 ML10 or higher
򐂰 AIX 5L V5.3 ML5 or higher
The Agent Builder has three install images for Windows, AIX, and Linux,
platforms respectively:
򐂰 setup.exe
򐂰 setupaix.bin
򐂰 setuplinux.bin
See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Version 6.2.0 Agent Builder User's Guide,
SC32-1921 for more information.

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