Timeline of Algorithms
The following timeline outlines the development of algorithms since their inception.
Before 1940:
• C. 2000 BC |
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Indian mathematicians invent zero, decimal and positional number system, algorithms for arithmetic operations. |
• C. 1600 BC |
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Babylonians develop first algorithms |
• C. 1000 BC |
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Indians (Narad Purana) algorithms for square and cube roots |
• C. 800 BC |
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Indians (Sulba Sutra) pre-invent Pythagorus theorem |
• C. 600 BC |
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Panini gives Data Structures and Algorithms for phonetics, phonology, word morphology and syntax of Sanskrit grammar, formal language theory, symbolic representation and functions |
• C. 300 BC |
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Euclid’s algorithm |
• C. 200 BC |
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The Sieve of Eratosthenes |
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