In this chapter, the SQP 2.0 program will be introduced. We will give a stepwise introduction to the program providing screenshots for the results of the different decisions. It should be mentioned that we cannot guarantee that all screenshots as presented in this chapter will appear in exactly the same way when the user applies the steps. This is so because the program is constantly being developed through the introduction of new information and the process of correcting bugs detected in the system. However, users can expect more or less the same information to appear if the same choices are made as those indicated in this chapter, with the exception of some minor details that may differ.

There are, in principle, three different ways in which the new version of the SQP program can be used. The first option is directed at questions that were involved in MTMM experiments. In Chapter 12, we showed that the question database contains, at this moment, all of the questions involved in the MTMM experiments of rounds 1–3, referred to as “ESS round + a number,” for all countries that participated in the ESS as well as the questions that were studied in the past (Saris and Gallhofer 2007b) referred to as “old + a number.” For all these questions, the quality is available in the database. Soon, the set of questions will be extended with the questions from round 4 to 6. So far, the database contains close to 4000 ...

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