Chapter 3. Connectivity and Composition Patterns

Cloud native applications are inherently a distributed collection of microservices connected via interservice communication. When building real-world cloud native applications, it is critical to establish interservice connectivity, to integrate multiple services to create business capabilities, and to present these connected services as managed capabilities.

In this chapter, we explore a wide range of patterns that we can use to build connectivity among microservices (as well as with other existing systems) in a cloud native application. We also look at creating business functionalities by using service composition patterns to integrate services. Let’s begin our discussion with connectivity patterns for building cloud native applications.

Connectivity Patterns

native connectivity patterns allow you to build connectivity among microservices as well as with the other systems in your cloud native application. As we discussed in Chapter 1, a cloud native application consists of microservices and may also connect with existing proprietary or legacy systems, external services such as software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications, databases, messaging infrastructure such as message brokers, and more.


In Chapter 2, we primarily discussed how interservice communication takes place between microservices of a cloud native application. In this section, our main focus is on the styles that we can use to connect those services. Here we will ...

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