© Vaskaran Sarcar 2018
V. SarcarDesign Patterns in C#https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3640-6_29

29. Sealing the Leaks in Your Applications

Vaskaran Sarcar1  
Whitefield, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

If a computer application allocates resources continuously but does not deallocate them when they are not needed, you will see an impact eventually. For example, machines will become slower, or in the worst case, they can crash, and you will need to reboot the system. This scenario is described as a memory leak . How quickly you notice it depends on the leaking rate of your application.

Even if you implement a design pattern properly in your application, if you do not guard against memory leakage, you may end up with low-quality software.

Memory leakage ...

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