© Dmitri Nesteruk 2022
D. NesterukDesign Patterns in Modern C++20https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-7295-4_21

21. State

Dmitri Nesteruk1  
St. Petersburg, Russia

I must confess: my behavior is governed by my state. If I didn’t get enough sleep, I’m going to be a bit tired. If I had a drink, I wouldn’t get behind the wheel. All of these are states and they govern my behavior: how I feel, what I can and cannot do.

I can, of course, transition from one state to another. I can go get a coffee, and this will take me from sleepy to alert (I hope!). So we can think of coffee as a trigger that causes a transition of yours truly from sleepy to just about awake. Here, let me clumsily illustrate it for you:1
sleepy --------> alert

So, the State ...

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