Job:05-11998/12412 Title:RP-Design School Con dential
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Job:05-11998/12412 Title:RP-Design School Con dential
#175 Dtp:160(P) Page:40
project brief
On Trial is a teaching strategy used to facili-
tate and promote creativity in learning. Graphic
design students explore and interrogate
problems relating to their specialization. On
Trial embraces student-centered, experiential,
problem-based learning through a “teaching-
with-your-mouth-shut” approach (Finkel, 2000).
Using this approach forces students to question,
defend, and judge a problem.
On Trial harnesses popular culture and the
seductive qualities of the courtroom to help stu-
dents engage with tough academic issues and
wider ethical concerns. Students learn the pro-
tocols and contexts of law through the popular
media and bring such understandings into the
classroom without formal teaching. The formal
scenario enhances communication skills, critical
analysis, group work, and research.
project activities
This approach comprises two integrated
components: a written essay and a group
role-playing event. Both activities focus upon
the same theme, but the role playing is not
assessed. The group event is specifi cally staged
two weeks before the essay deadline so that
students may prepare, develop, test, and review
their research, ideas, and examples before com-
pleting their assessed individual essay.
activity 1: on trial:
“fi rst things fi rst” manifesto
Write an essay of two thousand words that
addresses the “First Things First” 2000 design
Develop an argument that either supports
or contests the claims/ethos of the 1964 and 2000
manifestos. Discuss your viewpoint and sub-
stantiate this with relevant examples, facts, and
the views of others. Relate your discussion to the
critical consideration of the work of a contempo-
rary designer/agency or a specifi c area of design
work. Refer to historical examples as appropriate.
Ultimately, consider whether it is appropriate and
acceptable for contemporary graphic designers
to work in, and for, specifi c commercial contexts.
Select your focus and approach carefully,
research and write the essay in relation to the set
brief and compile your bibliography. (The essay
must follow academic conventions and be ac-
companied by a bibliography.) Ensure that your
discussion applies to appropriate contemporary
design examples and theoretical ideas and texts.
activity 2: on trial
To inform and support your written assignment
and to develop your wider professional aware-
ness and understanding of your subject special-
ism, you are required to work in a creative group
role-play activity.
Through group work, you will consider
and test key issues, approaches, and examples
relating to the First Things First manifesto to
judge whether the manifesto is relevant, viable,
appropriate, and acceptable in the context of
contemporary graphic design. You will work in
roles relevant to a courtroom scenario:
Class: B.A. (Honors) Graphic Design Unit:
Locating Contemporary Practice
Level: First Year
Faculty: Kirsten Hardie
Duration: Six Weeks
The Arts Institute at Bournemouth
Poole, Dorset, UK
On Trial
40 design school confi dential
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