Job:05-11998/12412 Title:RP-Design School Con dential
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Job:05-11998/12412 Title:RP-Design School Con dential
#175 Dtp:160(P) Page:94
project brief
X Box is a monthly periodical. Its “cover” is its
box and it contains a magazine, a book, a cata-
logue, and at least one ephemeral item (e.g., a
sticker, a postcard). “X” depends on the topic,
which is chosen by the student: Music Box, His-
tory Box, Porn Box, and Soccer Box alike. The stu-
dents are expected to design the complete box
by making the necessary editorial decisions. All
the publications and ephemera coming out of the
box have to be related to the chosen topic and
to each other. The project results in a mock-up,
which includes all of the elements and is to be
documented photographically. The issue of the
so-called neutrality of the designer is to be ques-
tioned. Development of a personal perspective
is important. For the magazine, the student has
to design a short article (minimum two pages),
a long article (minimum six pages), an interview
(minimum two pages), news pages (minimum
two pages), contents page (minimum one page),
and the cover. The student is expected to work
in the given order starting with short article
pages and fi nishing with the cover. The editorial
conventions of magazine production are to be
questioned. For the book, the student has to de-
sign at least four sample pages, divider pages if
necessary, half title, title, contents, colophon, and
the cover. For the catalogue, the student should
design at least four sample pages besides the
divider, title and content pages, and the cover.
The conventions of categorization are to be
questioned. The book and the catalogue can be a
redesign of an existing book; however, the maga-
zine is expected to be a new product; the sort of
publication the student wishes existed.
project goal
By working on three kinds of publications in one
semester the students are introduced to the pri-
mary issues in designing for print. A magazine,
a catalogue, and a book have very different quali-
ties although they all happen to consist of many
pages. They are produced with different inten-
tions, are read differently, and they take on differ-
ent functions after their initial consumption. By
making all the editorial decisions, the students
become aware of the complexities of the struc-
ture of these media. Also by having to relate each
publication to the others, students learn how to
approach a whole, which consists of individual
parts. Students are primarily engaged in moving
images, so they are encouraged to design as if
they are editing a fi lm.
Class: Publication Design
Level: Second Year
Faculty: Esen Karol
Duration of Project: One Semester
Istanbul Bilgi University, Department of
Visual Communication Design
Istanbul, Turkey
X Box
Post Box Magazine
Student: Serkan Arslan
Post Box Magazine is about design culture, and
every month it will be sent to people’s post
boxes. While working on the layout, I tried to
use the photographs as large as I could. I want
the readers to have an idea about the content
as soon as they are confronted with a page. I’ve
used white background and thin black lines and
tried to keep the layout simple. I also used stock
vector postal symbols on the corners of pages,
which I think go well with concept of magazine.
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Job:05-11998/12412 Title:RP-Design School Con dential
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(RAY) Text
Job:05-11998/12412 Title:RP-Design School Con dential
#175 Dtp:160(P) Page:95
Ways of Seeing
Student: Efe Mert Kaya
My project is a redesign of John Bergers Ways of Seeing. It
consists of a series of written and visual essays that raises
questions about hidden ideologies in visual images. With the
help of a hex editor, I’ve created random glitches in the visual
material of the book, including the publisher’s logo. This ap-
proach can be considered another way of seeing.
Annual Catalog of Actar
Student: Kaan Ficici
This annual catalog of books
published by Actar displays a
lot of information in a limited
space. Readers can navigate
according to their personal
interests. At the same time,
books from different sections
can be compared to one an-
other. Since each book has an
individual space, they are dif-
ferentiated, and the informa-
tion on a specifi c book can be
torn from the catalog.
the projects 95
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