Chapter 16. Common Failure Patterns

So far this book has covered various patterns to help you build your distributed system. This chapter is going to be a little different. Instead of helping you know what to do, it is intended to help you know what not to do. Over numerous years of developing, operating, and debugging systems, certain kinds of problems repeat themselves. These patterns are divided into mistakes that are made in building the systems, as well as common ways in which systems fail. By understanding both what not to do and what to try to prevent, we can learn from these shared mistakes and prevent them from repeating in the future.

The Thundering Herd

The thundering herd derives its name from the metaphor of a bison or other large animal on the prairie. Individually they may be manageable, but when moving together, charging, they are capable of destroying anything they are directed toward. The easiest way to understand the thundering herd is to imagine yourself interacting with a website that is not behaving properly. You attempt to navigate to a particular location, the loading progress bar spins slowly, not making very much progress, eventually you become impatient and you hit the reload button. You may not know it, but you have become the thundering herd.

Any particular application has a maximum capacity. Typically we try to size our applications so that its maximum capacity is greater than any load that it experiences, even at its most busy. Unfortunately, sometimes, ...

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