Designing Effective Work Groups

Book description

Provides ways to design, manage, and maintain more useful work groups--including labor-management committees, staff meetings, advisory groups, and policy committees. In eleven original chapters, reviews current knowledge about groups and explores new directions for understanding them and improving their effectiveness.

Table of contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. Preface
    1. Genesis of the Book
  5. Contents
  6. The Authors
  7. 1: Current Thinking About Groups: Setting the Stage for New Ideas
    1. Groups in Organizations: Current Models
    2. Group Effectiveness: Empirical Evidence
    3. Design of This Book
    4. References
  8. 2: Group Decision Making and Group Effectiveness in Organizations
    1. Decision Making Defined
    2. Quality Circles: An Illustration of Group Decision Making
    3. General Models of Group Performance
    4. Determinants of Effective Group Decision Making
    5. Performance Strategies for Group Decision Making
    6. Summary
    7. A Look Ahead
    8. References
  9. 3: Leading Groups in Organizations
    1. Functional Approach to Leadership
    2. Group Effectiveness
    3. Ingredients of Work Group Effectiveness
    4. Analyzing Group Effectiveness
    5. Critical Leadership Functions
    6. Appropriate Leadership Behaviors
    7. Summary
    8. Applications and Implications
    9. Conclusion
    10. References
  10. 4: Impact of Task and Technology on Group Performance
    1. Boundaries
    2. Organization of the Chapter
    3. Some Biases
    4. Task
    5. Technology
    6. Alternative Approach
    7. Empirical Illustration
    8. Summary Discussion
    9. References
  11. 5: Groups Under Contrasting Management Strategies
    1. Contrasting Strategies of Work Force Management
    2. Groups in Control Strategy Organizations
    3. Groups in Commitment Strategy Organizations
    4. Groups Under Mixed and Changing Strategies
    5. Summary of Functions and Effects of Groups in Organizations
    6. Conclusion
    7. References
  12. 6: Intergroup Relations in Organizations
    1. Intergroup Relations in Organizations
    2. Effectiveness of Intergroup Relations
    3. Techniques for Managing Intergroup Relations
    4. Conclusion
    5. References
  13. 7: Research on Work Group Effectiveness: An Anthropological Critique
    1. Anthropological Study of Organizational Behavior
    2. Cultural Lenses and Research on Work Group Effectiveness
    3. Alternative Studies of Work Group Effectiveness
    4. Conclusion
    5. References
  14. 8: Responsibility and Effort in Organizations
    1. Scientific Background
    2. CAPS Panelists: A
    3. Cheering Cheerleaders
    4. Indian Friends
    5. CAPS Panelists: B
    6. Conclusions and Implications for Organizations
    7. References
  15. 9: Thought Experiments and the Problem of Sparse Data in Small-Group Performance Research
    1. Group Decision Making: Jury Verdicts
    2. Jury Selection
    3. Organizational Structure and Decision Making
    4. The Thought Experiment as a Method of Research
    5. Closing Thoughts
    6. References
  16. 10: Reexamining Our Thoughts Concerning Groups in Organizations
    1. Content Themes
    2. Style Themes
    3. Disturbing Contributions
    4. Conclusion
  17. 11: Studying Groups at Work: Ten Critical Needs for Theory and Practice
    1. Some Methodological Requirements: To Use Better Tools, Broader Strategies and More Theory
    2. Conceptual Requirements
    3. Substantive Requirements
    4. Concluding Comments
    5. References
  18. Name Index
  19. Subject Index

Product information

  • Title: Designing Effective Work Groups
  • Author(s): Paul S. Goodman
  • Release date: November 1999
  • Publisher(s): Jossey-Bass
  • ISBN: 9780470623893