Further Reading

Austin, T. 2018. “HR Considerations for Remote Employees.” GMS, August 20. groupmgmt.com/blog/post/2018/08/20/HR-Considerations-for-Remote-Employees.aspx.

Benko, C., T. Gorman, and A.R. Steinberg. 2014. “Disrupting the CHRO: Following in the CFO’s Footsteps.” Deloitte Review, 14. deloitte.com/us/en/insights/deloitte-review/issue-14/dr14-disrupting-the-chro.html.

Boileau, T. n.d. “Informal Learning.” In Foundations of Learning and Instructional Design Technology, edited by Richard E. West. lidtfoundations.pressbooks.com/chapter/informal-learning-by-boileau.

Change Factory. n.d. “Training Needs Analysis.” Change Factory. changefactory.com.au/service/developing-people/training-needs-analysis.

Docebo. 2019. E-Learning Trends 2019 ...

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