Chapter 6. Model Development and Offline Evaluation

In Chapter 4, we discussed how to create training data for your model, and in Chapter 5, we discussed how to engineer features from that training data. With the initial set of features, we’ll move to the ML algorithm part of ML systems. For me, this has always been the most fun step, as it allows me to play around with different algorithms and techniques, even the latest ones. This is also the first step where I can see all the hard work I’ve put into data and feature engineering transformed into a system whose outputs (predictions) I can use to evaluate the success of my effort.

To build an ML model, we first need to select the ML model to build. There are so many ML algorithms out there, with more actively being developed. This chapter starts with six tips for selecting the best algorithms for your task.

The section that follows discusses different aspects of model development, such as debugging, experiment tracking and versioning, distributed training, and AutoML.

Model development is an iterative process. After each iteration, you’ll want to compare your model’s performance against its performance in previous iterations and evaluate how suitable this iteration is for production. The last section of this chapter is dedicated to how to evaluate your model before deploying it to production, covering a range of evaluation techniques including perturbation tests, invariance tests, model calibration, and slide-based evaluation. ...

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