
RealPix is the markup language that serves as a metafile for the static graphics used in G2 presentations. RealPix supports delivery of JPEGs and GIFs. While these graphic formats are themselves static images, you can nonetheless create compelling slideshows with motion and transition effects, all coded within RealPix.

RealPix also offers powerful timeline capabilities with millisecond control, allowing you to synchronize the appearance and behavior of images to other streaming media files, including audio tracks and videos.

RealPix syntax

RealPix files begin with the opening <imfl> tag and end with the closing </imfl> tag. All other RealPix tags are self-closing, and as with SMIL, they must end with a forward slash (/). All tag and attribute names must be lowercase, and attribute values must be enclosed within double quotation marks.

RealPix files have three basic components: the header, the image tags, and the effect tags.

All header information is contained within the <head/> tag. The associated attributes allow you to define title, author, and copyright as well as set necessary parameters such as the presentation dimensions, duration, time format, and streaming bitrate. For example:

<head name="My ...

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