If you write in English, write in a simple, direct style that minimizes reading problems for those who read English as a second language. This style is sometimes referred to as international English.

If you are writing in another language, the general requirements for simplicity and directness apply, as well, though the exact rules may vary a bit.

11.9.1. Advantages of international English

Writing in international English benefits several different groups of people (and automated systems). Use international English if you are concerned about how well any of the following can understand your text:

  • Second-language readers abroad or in your own country

  • Translators and localization experts

  • People with reading difficulties, dyslexia, and limited literacy

  • Impatient readers who skim, scan, and skip a lot

  • People who are reading from the computer screen

  • Automatic translation systems

11.9.2. Use words that everyone will understand

Pick words that all your learners will understand—or can find in their pocket translation dictionaries. Use and spell these words in their accustomed ways. Can the cool slang, dude

It is easy to get caught up in the slang and informality of language used on the Web, especially on sites for sales and marketing. You may want to substitute more standard expressions for ones like these:

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