Chapter 3. Backbone Basics

In this section, you’ll learn the essentials of Backbone’s models, views, collections, events, and routers. This isn’t by any means a replacement for the official documentation, but it will help you understand many of the core concepts behind Backbone before you start building applications using it.

Getting Set Up

Before we dive into more code examples, let’s define some boilerplate markup you can use to specify the dependencies Backbone requires. This boilerplate can be reused in many ways with little to no alteration and will allow you to run code from examples with ease.

You can paste the following into your text editor of choice, replacing the commented line between the <script> tags with the JavaScript from any given example:

    <meta charset="UTF-8">

<script src="">
<script src="">
<script src="">
  // Your code goes here

You can then save and run the file in your browser of choice, such as Chrome or Firefox. Alternatively, if you prefer working with an online code editor, jsFiddle and jsBin versions of this boilerplate are also available.

Most examples can also be run directly from within the console in your browser’s developer tools, assuming you’ve ...

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