Chapter 9. Exercise 3: Your First Modular Backbone and RequireJS App
In this chapter, we’ll look at our first practical Backbone and RequireJS project—how to build a modular Todo application. Similar to Exercise 1 in Chapter 4, the application will allow us to add new todos, edit new todos, and clear todo items that have been marked as completed. For a more advanced practical, see Chapter 12.
You can find the complete code for the application in the practicals/modular-todo-app folder of this repo (thanks to Thomas Davis and Jérôme Gravel-Niquet). Alternatively, grab a copy of my side project TodoMVC, which contains the sources to both AMD and non-AMD versions.
Writing a modular Backbone application can be a straightforward process. There are, however, some key conceptual differences to be aware of if you’re opting to use AMD as your module format of choice:
As AMD isn’t a standard native to JavaScript or the browser, you must use a script loader (such as RequireJS or curl.js) in order to support defining components and modules using this module format. As we’ve already reviewed, there are a number of advantages to using the AMD as well as RequireJS to assist here.
Models, views, controllers, and routers need to be encapsulated using the AMD format. This allows each component of our Backbone application to cleanly manage dependencies (for example, collections required by a view) in the same way that AMD allows non-Backbone modules to.
Non-Backbone components/modules (such as utilities ...
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