11. Spatio-Temporal Extents
Chapter Outline
11.1 Parts 123
11.2 Individuals and States 124
11.3 Inheritance of Properties by Substates 127
11.4 Space and Time 127
11.5 Ordinary Physical Objects 128
11.6 Levels of Reality 129
11.7 Activities and Events 131
11.7.1 An Example of Participants and Activities 132
11.7.2 Events 133
11.7.3 References 133
11.7.4 Discovery, Observation, Deeming, Measurement 133
11.8 Associations 133
11.8.1 Roles of Individuals in Associations 134
11.9 A Data Model for Individuals 135
In this chapter I will talk about spatio-temporal extents and some of the basic kinds of spatio-temporal extents that are commonly found. I will follow through on the ontological ...

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