Appendix B. Web Application Interface

It is a problem almost every language used for web development has dealt with: the low-level interface between the web server and the application. The earliest example of a solution is the venerable and battle-worn Common Gateway Interface (CGI), providing a language-agnostic interface using only standard input, standard output, and environment variables.


This chapter covers WAI version 3.0, which has a number of changes from previous versions.

Back when Perl was becoming the de facto web programming language, a major shortcoming of CGI became apparent: the process needed to be started anew for each request. When dealing with an interpreted language and an application requiring a database connection, this overhead became unbearable. FastCGI (and later SCGI) arose as a successor to CGI, but it seems that much of the programming world went in a different direction.

Each language began creating its own standard for interfacing with servers: mod_perl, mod_python, mod_php, mod_ruby. Within the same language, multiple interfaces arose. In some cases, we even had interfaces on top of interfaces. And all of this led to much duplicated effort: a Python application designed to work with FastCGI wouldn’t work with mod_python; mod_python only exists for certain web servers; and these programming language-specific web server extensions need to be written for each programming language.

Haskell has its own history. We originally had the cgi package, ...

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