© Suren Machiraju, Suraj Gaurav 2018
Suren Machiraju and Suraj GauravDevOps for Azure Applicationshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3643-7_4

4. Azure Application Deployment

Suren Machiraju1  and Suraj Gaurav2
Issaquah, Washington, USA
Greater Seattle, Washington, USA

In the preceding chapters, we discussed DevOps fundamentals and the use of best-of-breed stand-alone DevOps Software, and we reviewed the integrated DevOps platform. The next logical step is to put it all together and manage the software development lifecycle of an Azure application. Of course, you can further enhance this solution to suit your website or enterprise software. The key here is DevOps.

This chapter discusses a real Azure application deployment using VSTS. We have a ...

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