Creating Apache virtual hosts

Apache virtual hosts are created with the apache module with the defined type apache::vhost. We will create a new vhost on our Apache webserver called navajo, one of the apache tribes.

How to do it...

Follow these steps to create Apache virtual hosts:

  1. Create a navajo apache::vhost definition as follows:
    apache::vhost { '':
        port          => '80',
        docroot => '/var/www/navajo',
  2. Create an index file for the new vhost:
    file {'/var/www/navajo/index.html':
        content => "<html>\\n\n</html>\n",
        mode    => '0644',
        require => Apache::Vhost['']
  3. Run Puppet to create the new vhost:
    [root@webserver ~]# puppet agent -t
    Info: Caching catalog for ...

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