An Improvement in Euler’s Method

As Fig. 2.5.2 shows, Euler’s method is rather unsymmetrical. It uses the predicted slope k=f(xn,yn) of the graph of the solution at the left-hand endpoint of the interval [xn,xn+h] as if it were the actual slope of the solution over that entire interval. We now turn our attention to a way in which increased accuracy can easily be obtained; it is known as the improved Euler method.

Given the initial value problem

dydx=f(x, y),y(x0)=y0, (4)

suppose that after carrying out n steps with step size h we have computed the approximation yn to the actual value y(xn) of the solution at xn=x0+nh. We can use the Euler method to obtain a first estimate—which we now call un+1 rather than yn+1—of the value of the solution at ...

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