Chapter 1. Digital Art Photography 101
In This Chapter
Starting from square one: Digital photography
Creating art photography in five steps
Mastering basic composition elements
Art is the product of human creativity: a medium to create pleasure as well as express the conditions of life and feelings. Art also records history: who we are; what's around us; and how we interpret life, feelings, and interpersonal interactions. This concrete expression has come in many forms: prints, drawings, paintings, and sculpture. With today's digital technology, however, the art form of photography reaches new creative levels, taking on new forms as people flock to this new digital medium.
In this book, I cover the art form of photography. Whether you're a film-based photo purist or firmly entrenched in the digital-only camp, you're covered. This chapter serves as an introduction to the world of photography and how it relates to digital photography. I begin with a brief discussion of digital art photography before moving on to the five essential steps to creating a digitized masterpiece. Finally, I end the chapter with a crash course in composition.
Defining Digital Art Photography
Digital images — whether from a digital camera, scanned from film or print, stills from a camcorder, or something from the Web — can be defined as any artwork stored electronically. After you have a digital image tucked into the ...
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