Chapter 4AD/DA Conversion
U. Zölzer
The conversion of a continuous‐time signal (voltage, current) into a sequence of numbers is called analog‐to‐digital conversion (AD conversion). The reverse process is known as digital‐to‐analog conversion (DA conversion). The time sampling of a signal is described by Shannon's sampling theorem. It states that a continuous‐time signal with bandwidth can be sampled with a sampling rate without changing the content of information in the signal. The original analog signal is reconstructed by lowpass filtering with bandwidth . In addition to time sampling, the nonlinear procedure of digitizing the continuous‐valued amplitude (quantization) of the sampled signal occurs. In Section 4.1, the basic concepts of Nyquist sampling, oversampling, and delta‐sigma modulation are presented. In Sections 4.2 and 4.3, the principles of AD and DA converter circuits ...
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