Chapter 1
Analyzing an Audiovisual Corpus of A Thousand and One Nights 1
1.1. Introduction
The ALIA1 Workshop (LHE - Literary Workshop of Here and Elsewhere) is one of the ASW-HSS projects, which include the Culture Crossroads Archives (CCA)2 for cultural studies and the ADA3 (ArkWork) for archeology. The aim of the ALIA (LHE) dossier is to communicate and improve the online literary heritage for various Internet audiences such as researchers, students, media professionals and so on.
The aim of the ALIA is to create an audiovisual corpus of French and world literature, analyze it using the ASW Studio and then publish it on a portal. The analyzed and published corpus on the ALIA (LHE) portal4 (see Figure 1.1) can be accessed via several sections such as knowledge topics, thesauruses, collections of texts and so on.
The audiovisual LHE corpus is primarily composed of audiovisual texts from human and social science resources from the Archives Audiovisuelles de la Recherche [Audiovisual Research Archives - ARA] among others5 following collaboration with researcher-academics (Jean-Yves Masson, professor of compared literature at University Paris IV Sorbonne; Jean Baumgarten, director of research at CNRS and specialist in Jewish cultural history; Frank Greiner, specialist in transmitting aesthetic and literary models at the University ...
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