
a* b* diagram A plot of a* and b* values of the 1976 CIE L*a*b* (CIELAB) color space.

absorption The transformation of radiant energy to a different form of energy by interaction with matter; retention of light without reflection or trans-mission.

achromatic Perceived as having no hue; white, gray, or black.

adaptation The process by which the visual mechanism adjusts to the conditions under which the eyes are exposed to radiant energy.

adaptive white A color stimulus that an observer, adapted to a set of viewing conditions, would judge to be perfectly achromatic and to have a luminance factor of unity.

additive color Color formed by the mixture of light from a set of primary light sources, generally red, green, and blue.

advanced colorimetry Colorimetric measurement and numerical methods that include colorimetric adjustments for certain physical and perceptual factors determined according to perceptual experiments and/or models of the human visual system.

affine transformation A transformation of coordinates that is equivalent to a linear transformation followed by a translation.

AgX Silver halide; a light-sensitive crystalline compound used in conventional photographic materials.

average surround An area, surrounding an image being viewed, that has a luminance factor of about 0.20 and chromaticity equal to that of the observer adaptive white; also called a normal surround.

Bayer pattern A particular arrangement of RGB color filters on a grid of photosensors. The pattern ...

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