Chapter 5
Sharing Your Thoughts in Posts and Comments
Navigating posting and commenting in social media
Using social media as an individual to like, follow, and make connections
Leveraging social media as a business to authentically post and engage
Being yourself on social media is at the heart of what it means to connect. When you look at the history of our society, creating connections, conversations, and even debates helps you learn more about yourself as well as others around you. But how does that work on social media? What are the rules or norms you should follow to ensure that your social media conversations don't evolve into online fights that lead you to blocking and unfriending the people around you?
Here's the thing: You have a lot of ideas, opinions, thoughts, and stories you want to share on social media. Everyone has unique perspectives, and something to say. Add in the fact that organizations and businesses are using social media to connect with and engage with new and current customers. When it comes to engaging on social media, there's a definite etiquette and definite norms that are worth following in order to preserve your own personal brand reputation ...
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