Chapter 16
Expanding Computing to Other Devices
In This Chapter
Selecting and using a tablet computer
Choosing and using a smart phone
Managing content between computers and TVs
Our digital world is not just computers anymore. (Well, not in the traditional sense of the word “computer” meaning a desktop or notebook.)
It might be more accurate to say that computers are not just what they used to be. A decade ago, most people’s computer was a big boxy affair in the corner of the family room, with everyone clamoring for their turn on it. Nowadays, it’s much more likely that each person in the family has his or her own notebook, tablet, or smart phone.
In this chapter, I look at several of these non-traditional computing devices in terms of features and functionality. You also discover how TVs and computers intersect and how you can make them work together.
Getting a Handle on Tablet Computer Basics
A tablet computer is like an electronic slate that you can write on with your finger or a stylus (which is basically a small stick that feels like a pen in your hand but doesn’t have any ink in it). You touch, tap, and drag across the touch-sensitive screen of the tablet to interact with ...
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