Chapter 1

Creating Your Content Plan


Bullet Knowing the value of your current content

Bullet Understanding the needs of stakeholders

Bullet Identifying gaps in content

If you don’t have a content plan in 2019, you’re seriously jeopardizing your company’s chances for success. Everyone from “boring” companies like machinery manufacturers to red-hot companies like BuzzFeed have one.

As you begin creating your content plan, you need to remember that your content marketing strategy is different from your content plan. A content marketing strategy determines how your company goals will be met by marketing your content. A content plan details specifically how your content will be created, managed, and distributed to meet the goals you identified in your content marketing strategy.

In this chapter, you look at the current state of your content and what it takes to put a content plan together.

Evaluating Your Content

Your content can be one of your company’s greatest assets if you give it careful thought and attention. Some companies have been slow to get on the bandwagon, but they were quickly convinced when their competitors developed engaging content that attracted their customers.

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