Chapter 3

Reviewing Ongoing Improvement for B2B Marketing


Bullet Monitoring the progression of your key accounts

Bullet Prioritizing target accounts

Bullet Providing regular reporting on engagement

You’ve got a lot going on at work. Everyone is busy. The to-do list is endless. Someone always needs something else. Using B2B marketing tactics, you can watch the progression of an account across all stages of the buyer journey from prospect, to qualification, then opportunity accounts, as well as your customer accounts. Your sales and marketing team can monitor how every account is contributing to the growth of your company. For new accounts, it’s powerful proof that marketing is working when you can see engagement building within an account by connecting with more contacts in who see the value in working with your company and become revenue opportunities.

Potential revenue exists in all stages of the buyer journey. You want to look at accounts currently generating revenue, as well as the accounts who represent opportunities. Metrics matter for every account. They’re different depending on the stage, and the activities required. So how can you be sure, with everything going on in your office, ...

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