Chapter 2

Grabbing Your Customer’s Attention


Bullet Looking at capturing attention

Bullet Changing the way you measure attention

Bullet Making content easier to consume

Do you know the thing that all marketers desperately want? It’s customers’ attention — to what they have to say and sell. Since the advent of the “always on” culture, the competition for attention is fierce. In fact, most of the content created by companies is never seen by its prospects.

It wasn’t always hard to get people’s attention. In the previous century, when you wanted to get a customer’s attention, you would send him your marketing material and give him a call. The prospect was usually receptive because you were the keeper of all product information. Those days, however, are over.

But conversations do help develop relationships, and relationships help you get and keep your customer’s attention. So what can you do to compete with other producers for consumers’ attention? There is no shortage of content from your competitors that identifies each one of them as the one to choose. Your content probably does the same. How do consumers decide?

In this chapter, you look at how getting prospects’ attention involves ...

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