Chapter 12

Crunching Numbers: Running a Data-Driven Business


check Tracking site visitors with hyperlinks

check Using Google Analytics to see who’s taking action

check Segmenting your audience to make your ads more specific

check Drilling down on your audience to increase opt-ins

Few marketers disagree on the significance of collecting data. But for businesses to remain competitive, they must go beyond simply aggregating data to truly gain value from it. Simply knowing your averages is not enough. Companies need to analyze the data they gather in a process known as data analysis. True data analysis is data with a plan. Through data-collecting tools such as Google Analytics, you can track the return on investment (ROI) of traffic from your email campaigns, social media campaigns, paid ads, and more.

When you have the capability to track the ROI of your campaigns, you can cut the fat and double down on what’s actually working. That way, you transform your business from one that spends time, money, and resources on strategies that just seem as though they’ll work well to a business that makes ...

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