Chapter 4Operational Excellence
Executive Summary: In this chapter, we look at the fundamental relationship between operational excellence and customer satisfaction. We also introduce a three-tier model for developing solutions and services.
Operational Excellence and customer satisfaction are strongly related. Yet many organizations do not perceive the direct connection between the two. Instead, they treat customer satisfaction as an afterthought, something bolted on at the last minute.
The unvarnished truth, however, is that customer satisfaction is built on a solid foundation of operational Excellence. You simply cannot have the former without the latter.
In today's hypercompetitive markets, customer satisfaction is essential to long-term success. If you cannot deliver customer satisfaction, your days are numbered. This simple dictum applies to all organizations, whether they are large or small, global or local.
Even if you're running your business from a garage or a spare bedroom, your customers encompass a wide range of people and groups. In addition to external customers, you have employees, contractors, partners, suppliers, and other third parties. Somehow, you must figure out strategies and practices to keep all of them happy.
In a socially connected world, bad news travels with extraordinary speed. Your mistakes will stick to you like glue; make enough mistakes and your reputation may suffer irreparable damage.
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