As Azimuth sample spacing along the azimuth or y axis, meters
α Frequency change rate for LFM signal, hertz per second (Hz/s)
β Frequency change rate for LFM signal along azimuth direction, Hz/s
B, Bt Frequency bandwidth, Hz
BD, BDop Doppler frequency bandwidth, Hz
BDs Doppler frequency bandwidth in terms of slow time s, Hz
BDu Doppler frequency bandwidth in terms of radar position μ, Hz
Bku Spatial frequency bandwidth in the ku domain, Hz
c Speed of light, 3 × 108 meters per second (m/s)
f Frequency, Hz
fb Baseband frequency, Hz
f0 Reference frequency, Hz
fc Carrier frequency, Hz
fs Sampling frequency, Hz
fm Maximum frequency, Hz
fPRF Pulse repetition frequency, Hz
fD Doppler frequency, Hz
fDr Doppler frequency in terms of slant range r, Hz
fDs Doppler frequency in terms of slow time s, Hz
fDu Doppler frequency in terms of radar position u, Hz
fDc Centroid of Doppler frequency, Hz
fDcr fDc with respect to slant range r, Hz
fDcs fDc with respect to slow time s, Hz
fDcu fDc with respect to radar position u, Hz
imagesDcs Derivative of fDcs, or slope of fDcs, Hz/s
imagesDc Derivative of fDc, or slope of fDc, Hz/s
imagesD Derivative of ...

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