1.2. Solved exercises
Define a 4×3 matrix zero everywhere excepting the first line that is filled with 1.
b = ones (1, 3); m = zeros (4, 3); m(1, :) = b m = 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Consider the couples of vectors (x1 y1) and (x2, y2). Define the vector x so that:
x(j) = 0 if y1(j) <y2(j);
x(j) = x1(i) if y1(j) = y2(j);
x(j) = x2(j) if y1(j) > y2(j)
function x = vectors(x1,y1,x2,y2) x = x1.*[y1 == y2] + x2.*[y1 > y2]; vectors ([0 1],[4 3], [-2 4] ,[2 0]) ans = -2 4
Generate and plot the signal: y(t) = sin(2πt) for 0 ≤ t ≤2, with an increment of 0.01, then undersample it (using the function decimate) with the factors 2 and 16.
t = 0:0.01:2; y = sin(2*pi*t); subplot(311) plot(t,y) ; ylabel('sin(2.pi.t)'); title('Original signal'); t2 = decimate(t, 2); t16 = decimate(t2, 8); y2 = decimate(y, 2); y16 = decimate(y2, 8); subplot(312) plot(t2, y2); ylabel('sin(2.pi.t)') title('Undersampled signal with a factor 2'); subplot(313); plot(t16, y16); ylabel('sin(2.pi.t)'); xlabel('Time t'); title('Undersampled signal with a factor 16');
You can save the figures in eps (Encapsulated PostScript) format, which is recognized by many software programs. The command print -eps file_name creates the file file_name.eps.
Plot the paraboloid defined by the equation: ...
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