14.2. Solved exercises
Perform the DCT compression of the image “dots”, which can be found in the file “imdemos” of the image processing toolbox. Use the MATLAB function dct2.m
a. Plot the mean square error variation with the number of conserved coefficients.
b. Perform the image compression by preserving only the 1,024 largest coefficients.
load imdemos dots; [N1,N2]=size(dots); sl=double(dots); s=zeros(N1,N2); s=sl; y=dct2(s); [ly,cy]=size(y); yv=y(:); [yvs,idxs]=sort(abs(yv)); yvs=flipud(yvs); idxs=flipud(idxs); cont=0; for r=2.^[0 :14] yvr=yv ; yr=y; yvr(idxs(r+1 :N1*N2))=zeros(N1*N2-r,1); for k=1:N2 yr(:,k)=yvr((k-1)*N1+1:k*N1,1);
end sr=idct2(yr); cont=cont+1; eqm(cont)=(sum(sum(s-sr).^2))/(N1*N2); end plot(eqm); set(gca,'XTickLabel',2.^(str2num(get(gca,'XTickLabel'))-1)) xlabel('Number of preserved coefficients'); ylabel('Error'); title('Variation of the mean square error')
Note that the mean square error decreases very fast with the number of conserved coefficients due to the high redundancy of the original image.
load imdemos dots r=1024; [N1,N2]=size(dots); sl=double(dots); s=zeros(N1,N2); s=sl; y=dct2(s); [ly,cy]=size(y); yv=y(:); [yvs,idxs]=sort(abs(yv)); yvs=flipud(yvs); idxs=flipud(idxs); cont=0; yv(idxs(r+1:N1*N2))=zeros(N1*N2-r,1); for ...
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