Chapter 1: Flash Fundamentals

In This Chapter

arrow.png Turning on the built-in flash

arrow.png Popping the flash manually

arrow.png Using flash compensation

arrow.png Exploring advanced flash settings

Using a flash unlocks photos that would otherwise be impossible. Most of the time, these photos are indoors, where lighting is notoriously dim, but think about using flash more often when you’re outside, too. A good flash makes sure that your subjects are properly lit.

This chapter is devoted to demystifying why flash is necessary and walking you through the basics of how to use your camera’s built-in flash. It also covers some items that apply no matter what kind of flash you’re using, built-in or external. You see how to use flash compensation and decode some of the more advanced flash settings.

Flashing Someone

Photography gets more enjoyable if you know when and how to control your camera’s flash. You can turn on your camera’s built-in flash two ways:


When you’re using an automatic shooting mode (except for Flash Off), the pop-up flash automatically pops up and shoots when the camera senses it needs more ...

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