Chapter 3. Photography Basics

In This chapter

  • Exposure and focus adjustments with simple cameras

  • Exposure and focus with advanced cameras

  • Getting the right exposure

  • Focus controls

You're on a trip, spot a perfect picture-in-the-making, and want to apply a little creativity to make it extra special. Then you realize that you've relied on your digital camera's automated features so much that you haven't taken the time to learn the photography basics you need to tweak your picture in a creative direction. Or, perhaps you have some experience with more advanced features, but you're a little rusty on some of the techniques you need to apply. Don't panic! In this chapter, you find a quick refresher in some photography fundamentals. Spend a minute or two boning up on exposure, depth of field, and a few other topics, and then capture that award-winning shot!

If you have a simple point-and-shoot camera with few adjustment options, most of what you need to know is in the next section. Those with digital cameras that have manual controls for exposure and focus can apply the techniques described in the rest of this chapter.

Exposure and Focus Adjustments with Simple Digital Cameras

With simple cameras, exposure adjustments are usually accomplished by making a change using a control called EV, or exposure value, settings. Virtually all digital cameras have an EV control, either in the form of a button or two on the back of the camera or as a choice found in your camera's menus. More advanced cameras ...

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