Appendix E

F and G Matrix Calculations

The transition and the input matrix of the discretized state-space equations for the IPM-SM, must be calculated in the (d, q) reference frame, which turns with the rotor, following the rotor magnetic anisotropy, to allow to:

  • filter measurements made in the (α, β) fixed frame: the two-phase currents and the position of the rotor, generally
  • predict an initial state-space during the control computation.

These two matrices F and G (cf. equations (3.124)) are calculated, from the exponential function of the diagonalized evolution matrix D multiplied by the sampling period T (cf. equation (3.69)), from the input matrix B of the continuous-time state-space equations, and from the transfer matrix and its inverse, calculated in Appendix B and C respectively:


In addition, the expression of D− 1 ⋅ (eDTI) ⋅ P− 1B, was already calculated in (3.72).

E.1 Transition Matrix Calculation

We will start by calculating eDTP− 1, by simply creating the product of the two matrices eDT by P− 1, and then we will multiply the result by the matrix P on the left.

(E.2)    image

To reduce the first row of the produced matrix, we then use equations (3.42) and (3.44) and the reduced variable ζd1, defined in (3.49). A new relation is thus obtained:


To reduce ...

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