Chapter 18

Attracting New Team Members: Recruiting and Sponsoring


Bullet Exploring the rewards of recruiting and what the opportunity could mean for others

Bullet Finding recruit leads and getting people interested in the opportunity

Bullet Understanding people’s behavior and what that could mean for your recruiting efforts

Bullet Providing excellent follow-up and customer care to leads

Bullet Using social media in your recruiting

The pandemic disrupted the workforce. Some experts refer to that time as the Great Resignation where people no longer want to work in a job where they feel undervalued and unappreciated. They want more flexibility, and some want to carve out something special for themselves. Many report just wanting diversity with their income. They want to have multiple streams of income so that they don’t have to rely on a single job that’s less than desirable. This is known as the gig economy and includes companies like Uber, Airbnb, and PoshMark. Direct selling is a desirable gig because ...

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