Chapter 21
Group Recruiting: Holding Opportunity Events
Knowing best practices for different types of opportunity events
Recruiting in a group
Staging and planning events
Group recruiting requires a different approach than one-on-one recruiting does, but the great news is that it can be exponentially more effective. Group recruiting is when you share your company’s products, profits, and programs with a group of people. Here’s the exciting part: The group of people doesn’t have to be, and actually will rarely be, all your own prospects.
You can do group recruiting at any number of different events, for your entire team to bring guests to. That means that your newest team members — those who are the most excited, the most scared, and the least knowledgeable — can bring their prospects to the event and leave with a new team member (see Chapter 20 for much more on working with new team members).
Independent reps often have a fear of recruiting when they start their businesses. They say things like, “I don’t know enough yet,” and, “I haven’t read through the entire compensation plan, nor do I understand it enough to answer questions,” and, “I’m still so new and haven’t ...
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