
AAY. See Antyodaya Anna Yojana

Accident insurance, 65

Agricultural and agrarian insurance board, 64

Agricultural insurance, 114

Agricultural research policy, Sri Lanka council for, 66


disaster risk management. See Disaster risk management (DRM)

policy in Sri Lanka, 62

agricultural credit, 63

fertilizers, 63

institutional mechanism of, 63

irrigation and water management, 63

ministry of agriculture, 64–65

pesticides, 63

postharvest technology, 63

promoting agricultural production, 62

seeds and planting materials, 63

profile in Himachal Pradesh, 105–106

Agroecological zone, characteristics of, 105–106

AMCDRR. See Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction

Annual Disaster Statistical Review, 145

Antyodaya Anna Yojana ...

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